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How Technology Is Changing The Shipping Industry


It’s hard to name an industry that isn’t currently being disrupted by technology.

Unless your business involves an in-person service, like plumbing or cutting hair, your company is probably going to rely more and more on improving technologies to make better products or to offer enhanced services.

The shipping industry in particular is one that has recently been affected tremendously by new technology trends.

Think about it…

The ultimate goal for a business which offers shipping services is to move its customer’s products in the quickest and most efficient manner possible.

If you take a look at the current state of the industry, especially compared to five years ago, it’s safe to say that new technology trends in general have made it easier for businesses in the shipping industry to reach this goal.

Technology Changing the Shipping Industry

3 Shipping Technologies Driven by Automation

1. Growth of IoT-based & Bluetooth Technologies

IoT technologies, also known as the internet of things, are starting to become essential to the shipping industry.

This is a result of the fact that both businesses and consumers are looking for more real-time information about the status and logistics of their packages.

The internet of things makes it possible to communicate this information through the use of different platforms.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and AIDC (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) are two technologies that have become important to the shipping industry.

These two shipping technologies work in part with the IoT to provide customers with insights on things like shipment location, estimated time of arrival, explanations for delayed deliveries, and many other factors.

Companies have also been placing beacons (which features bluetooth technology) on their assets as a way to keep track of their products and how they are being transported.

It’s important for customers to know what condition their products are being shipped in and when to expect delivery. With the increased use of IoT and bluetooth technologies, shipping information has become more accessible for both businesses and consumers. 

2. Use/Growth of Autonomous Vehicles & Drones

Autonomous vehicles and drones that are capable of delivering products on their own will likely enter the industry in the near future.

Case in point: companies like Apple and Google have recently expressed their plans to develop autonomous vehicles.

Technology has gotten to the point where it is possible to develop these cars, it’s only a matter of perfecting the technology’s safety features and it all being approved by the government.

When self driving cars become the norm, the shipping industry will become significantly more efficient.

This is plain to see when you consider that the cost of fuel will significantly decrease and the room for human error will nearly be depleted. Self-driving cars will definitely be a revolution for the shipping industry.

However, an even more impressive change to shipping technology will be the use of drones.

For businesses eyeing this space, it’s only a matter of getting the regulatory support to safely execute this vision. But, it’s a service that is in the works and has the potential to greatly change the way we receive our packages.

3. Continued Growth of eCommerce

According to Mark Johnson, CEO of Four51, “Millennials will overtake baby boomers as the occupants of the largest section of generation-owned businesses.”

With this new generation poised to take over, it’s important to understand that the demand and need for an online presence is rapidly and significantly increasing.

It is absolutely essential for businesses to optimize their websites so that people can easily navigate to them and that they are able to find what they want.

Additionally, businesses are looking to find more B2B options when it comes to ecommerce.

The internet has not only made it easier for consumers to find what they want.

It has also created a platform for businesses to easily communicate with each other and to work with one another.

All together, ecommerce has significantly influenced growth in business across all industries. As a result, logistics providers have to be aware of how shipping technology will inevitably shift in this new era.

Want to check out the latest shipping technology?

If your business is in need of a modern delivery service, DGD Transportation has got you covered.

We are experts in logistics and we realize the importance of efficient distribution.

We make it a priority to keep up with shipping technology and giving our consumers the best shipping options available in the market today.

Our proactive IT solutions and  logisitics mobile applications have made it easy for all members of our team to provide effective service for our clients. Learn more about what we do!!

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