DGD Transport

DGD Transport Compliant 3PL in Florida

FMCA Mandate Approaching

The Importance of Working with Compliant Organizations

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCA) electronic logging device (ELD) mandate, will be enforced beginning April 1, 2018, which is when the “soft enforcement” will end. According to a recent post by Daren Hensen, senior editor of Transportation Safety for J.J. Keller & Associates, drivers that don’t have an approved ELD will suffer out of services (OOS) consequences. With the new FMCA mandate approaching, how will be left out in the dark?

The OOS order lasts for 10 hours for truck drivers or eight hours for passenger-carrying vehicles, after which point drivers are able to travel to their next scheduled stop using paper logs. Should the driver be dispatched again without an ELD, then are liable to be placed on OOS again and “the motor carrier will be subject to further enforcement,” said the FMSCA.

The ELD mandate went into effect on Dec. 18, 2017 and there has been confusion surrounding its enforcement since.

New FMCA Mandate

Perez manages more than 20 trucks in his growing Nationwide Department

Furthermore, truckers and their managers are not happy and feel as though they are just “more regulations to keep the parasites busy at FMSCA.” Comments like this one are popular amongst the truckers who that the mandate is a means to heighten surveillance, rather than to keep them same. Instead, many believe that the 14-hour rule a more important issue to tackle. DGD Transport’s Nationwide Trucking Manager, Ray Perez, has a different idea. ​

“The shippers and receivers have to get in line,” Perez said. “Sometimes they can take up to six hours to unload a truck and with the ELD, that’s lost time because it’s always running.”

Perez noted, though, that shippers and receivers are starting to make headway on being ready for the change from paper to digital by having scheduled loading times. This process makes it easier for the trucker to get in and out much quicker.

Making truckers use ELDs is definitely a step in the right direction because it demands a greater level of accountability, which translates into safer practices. However, the entire industry will have to make adjustments to make real change.

Looking to work with an innovative technology focused company that is fully compliant? Contact DGD Transport here to move forward with your 3PL needs.

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